Saturday, 26 October 2019

I've just found my blog again!

I've just found my blog!  I forgot it for four years - what on earth's been going on in my life?  Well, to start with I've completed that third novel of the last post and published it.  It's called Love is a State of Mind and I've completed my fourth book, Shadows in the Rock, which is the third book in the Aphrodite Trilogy.  So I've achieved quite a lot I think.  Oh ... and my daughter's had twins and moved to America so I've been on travelling granny duty.  I've got excuses.

I will talk about the two books on separate posts I think but in the meantime, I do exist.  I LIVE!

My Third Novel ...

I've been very remiss recently – I haven't updated my blog.  I know you should do this regularly, but if you're trying to write a novel, the blog goes on the back burner for while.

So ... my third novel – 43,000 words done and I'm really beginning to see where it's going now.  And no ... it's not anything to do with Aphrodite's Child or Now Is All There Is.  It's a completely different story, different characters, different location, different style.

A lot of people have asked if I will write the third one in the Aphrodite series and I haven't ruled it out.  I think there are lots of possibilities for that story but at the moment, I'm enjoying writing this one.

I don't want to say too much about it at this stage but all I will say is it's going to be about a woman at a crossroads in her life.  She has to make some very big decisions about her career, her future, her home